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Jean's nature is open and erudite — combined with a soothing voice that gently guides you into a deep & peaceful state.

—C.B., Journalist

I have been wanting to learn meditation for a long time but have always been worried about the size of the challenge. I am glad I started with this method as it is easy to understand and it makes jumping into meditation a very enjoyable, doable and practical effort.

—L.L., Entrepreneur

"The class was a perfect introduction to learning the method of meditation and understanding what meditation can do for me in my life."

—D.T., Full-time Mother

There is much to learn about meditation. If you are serious about it, and a good listener & thinker, anyone can do meditation and achieve everything that it has to offer.

—C.R., Full-time Mother

I liked the class very much. I feel it's a great way to introduce meditation to people that want to experience something more authentic in their lives.

—S.P., Technical Writer

Jean has a beautiful way of explaining and discussing meditation with a gracefulness and wisdom.

—A.B., Yoga Teacher

Meditation class: I can honestly say that I see progress or "proof" that this is working for me. I have applied it to recent stresses and have managed situaitons more logically since my first class. I will now use it to help focus on my desires, the main one being happiness.

—M.R., Operations Manager

Jean is a patient and passionate health counselor. She has detailed and seemingly infinite knowledge about nutrition and health realted issues. Her approaches are refreshingly unconventional - things that conventional medicine should be paying greater attention to.

—C.P., full-time Mother

I have known Jean Masters for about 2 years. She has worked with me as instructor of the EMF Balancing Technique, hypnotist and as nutritional consultant. I was very impressed with Jean in the way she presented the EMF Balancing Technique training. She was thorough with the facts, and was able to communicate in a very concise way. In finishing this course, I felt very confident that I received what I needed to be a Phase I - IV practitioner.

Jean has a great deal of sensitivity toward others' needs and has really dedicated herself to be of service. That is why I also chose to go to her once again. And this time to advise me on diet and nutrition. I was amazed at not only the information that I received, but also the way Jean was able to incorporate her expertise on hypnosis which helped me unfold my inner qualities for a more balanced life, along with the fabulous tips on how to improve my diet for an emotionally and physically improved lifestyle. She has also supplied me with pertinent reading material, tapes, and even wonderful recipes. Jean is truly holistic in her well-trained, warm and friendly approach to healing. My time with her has been productive and an absolute pleasure.

—Suzanne Corey-Sahlin, EMF Balancing Technique Practitioner Phases I-IV, Reiki Master, Angel Consultant

EMF Balancing Technique is a registered trademark of The Energy Extension, Inc., Sedona, AZ.

This program has been an enlightening experience. Jean, you have a great deal of knowledge and did a great job breaking things down, making nutrition easier to "digest." After years of trying to diet and follow certain ideas - you really taught me about my body. The resources you have passed on have been great. It is nice to have a guide and introduce things, such as books. Some things are hard to teach ourselves and study. You are a great teacher. I will now always think twice before having a "sugar" drink or have a meal without protein. Hopefully, the steps we took over the last 12 sessions will lead me to a happier and healthier future.

— J., marketing analyst

Before working with Jean I didn't know much about hypnosis. She made it very comfortable and un-intimidating. After just a few sessions I was able to use the techniques she gave me in my regular life and have been sleeping much better since. Jean's gentle demeanor made me comfortable enough to open up to her and help myself heal. Thank you Jean.

—Amara Wagner, Natural Health & Lifestyle Consultant

I had the privilege of doing two hypnosis sessions with Jean Masters. The first session we focused on weight loss. During the second session, Jean guided me to go deeper to uncover the core issue of my compulsive eating. It was very powerful! I was able to get the support I needed to turn my life around. I have made better choices in all areas of my life. I have lost over 40 pounds and have started my new business. I know the sessions with Jean really got the ball rolling for me. I commuted from my home in New Jersey to Connecticut to work with Jean. I am so glad I did!

—Susan Haines RN, Holistic Nurse and Nutrition Consultant, president of Grace House Holistic Health LLC

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