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Hair Analysis

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis or Hair TMA
Shows You How to Balance Your Body’s Chemistry

Are you confused about what to eat for optimum health?

Do you wonder what vitamins and minerals are best for you?

Would you like to live each day with plenty of energy and vitality?

Yes? TMA can help you! Read on...


  • Waking up each day truly refreshed.
  • Bounding out of bed with enthusiasm.
  • Having the energy to get more done at home and at work… then
  • Having time for what you truly enjoy—playing a sport or walking or running or gardening or playing with the children/grandchildren.
  • Performing at your personal best!

Your hair TMA will show you what to do to achieve all this and more.

Are you taking vitamins?

Do you know that it’s possible to take the wrong type?
Furthermore, you could even be taking the wrong amount, possibly at the wrong time.

What to do? Get a hair TMA. It will tell you what, how much and when… so you can reach and exceed your goals.

It’s about making food and supplement changes to live life to the fullest!

What is a hair TMA?

A TMA measures the mineral content in your hair. It involves sending a 1.5 inch sample of your hair, cut from the back of your head, to a licensed, clinical laboratory, where spectrophotometry determines the amounts of 30 minerals and 8 toxic metals in your hair.

Chemically Treated Hair?

Untreated hair is best. If this isn’t possible, I take into account what you do to your hair. Perming adds magnesium to hair. Color treatments add iron or lead. Bleaching adds calcium. Treatments appear to affect only the individual mineral contaminant and not other minerals tested.

Your TMA Package:

  • The lab results—one page printed front and back. 30 minerals and 8 toxic metals with ratios
  • An at-a-glance, one-page summary
  • Hair TMA report—4-5 pages
  • Detailed description of recommended supplements with a suggested protocol
  • 90 minute consultation

Your hair TMA Report Shows:

  • What stress has done to your body/mind
  • Levels of calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, copper, zinc, phosphorous, iron, manganese, chromium and selenium
  • Any elevated toxic metals
  • Metabolic type—slow or fast
  • Blood sugar regulation
  • Thyroid and adrenal gland function

Getting Started:

At our first 30-minute appointment, I cut your hair sample. I ask you to read and sign a couple of disclosure/consent forms. You fill out a health history checklist.

Three weeks later we meet for 90 minutes to go over the results.
To see how your body is responding to the supplements, you would get another hair TMA after taking the supplements for three months.

Take the next step to a life of energy & vitality. Contact us today for a free, 20-minute consultation.

Hair Analysis Q&A…

Q. How do you use this information?

A. First, knowing your metabolic type can help you refine your food plan. Fast metabolizers need a quality fat or oil at each meal. They are burning up the carbohydrates they eat so quickly that they need the fats/oils to provide longer-term energy. Slow metabolizers need a quality protein at each meal. Second, the recommended supplements will provide what’s missing and/or will bring down what’s in excess.

Q. Why use hair and not blood or urine?

A. A urine test shows what your body is excreting. A blood test shows what’s circulating in your body. A hair TMA shows the minerals concentrating in your hair. And it’s been established that there is an accurate correlation between hair mineral concentrations and tissue (cell and organ) mineral concentrations. Furthermore, a hair TMA shows what’s going on inside your cells or intracellular activity. Other advantages to using hair are the ease of cutting it and the ease of sending it to the lab.

Q. What do mineral levels show?

A. Minerals are involved in many body functions. Here are some examples. Calcium, besides being a vital part of our bones and teeth, has a role in triggering heart muscle contractions, blood clotting and nerve conduction. Magnesium is required for normal muscular function, especially the heart. The ratio of calcium to magnesium shows how well your body is regulating blood sugar.

Q. What can cause a mineral imbalance?

A. Food choices – refined and processed foods, alcohol consumption and fad diets, eating foods grown in depleted soil. Stress – physical or emotional. Medications – prescription and over-the-counter. Pollution – some examples: cigarette smoke (cadmium), hair dyes (lead), hydrogenated oils (nickel), anti-perspirants (aluminum), dental amalgam fillings (mercury and cadmium), copper water pipes, copper and aluminum cookware, and lead-based cosmetics. Nutritional Supplements – the wrong type, the wrong amount, the wrong timing. Inherited patterns.

Q. How are minerals related to vitamins?

A. An excess or deficiency of a mineral usually has a corresponding imbalance in a synergistic vitamin. For example, taking vitamin C will enhance iron absorption and lower copper. Taking vitamin A increases zinc, while lowering vitamins D and E.

Take the next step to a life of energy & vitality. Contact us today for a free, 20-minute consultation.

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