Yoga Notes
Instructions and photos for postures included in the planned Yoga Programs are
presented below.
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Tree (Vrikshasana)

Benefits: Balance, groundedness
Stand, feet parallel, weight centered over arches
Focus eyes on a point three or more feet in front of you
Balancing on left leg, draw right foot to the groin, inner thigh, knee, calf or ankle
Hands to prayer position against chest
Hands overhead in prayer or temple position
Press right knee towards wall behind you
Elongate spine pressing down into foot, lifting torso and arms up
- Return hands to prayer
- Release hands
- Release foot
- Repeat balancing on right leg

Child (Garbhasana)

Benefits: Integration. Pause between postures
- Sit on your heels, hands relaxed on your thighs (ok to place a pillow between heels and buttocks)
- Exhale and fold forward placing abdomen and chest on your thighs
- Rest your forehead on the floor
- Arms at your sides, in front or under forehead
- Relax
- Breathe long, even deep breaths
- Lift trunk back to vertical
- Return hands to thighs

Cobra [Modified] (Bhujangasana)

Benefits: Strengthen back and upper body
- On hands and knees with hands shoulder width apart, knees hip width apart (tabletop position)
- Press firmly into hands, let the belly sink towards floor and lift torso
- Hands are directly under shoulders
- Look upward
- Press hands firmly into floor, elongate neck
- Press shoulders back, down and relax
- Breathe long, even deep breaths
- Bring hips towards heels in Child (counter stretch)
- Breathe
- Return to tabletop

Benefits: Stretch and lengthen spine, back of legs, upper body
- On hands and knees with hands shoulder width apart, knees hip width apart (table top position)
- Curl toes under
- Press firmly into hands and feet, lift buttocks toward the ceiling
- Press heels toward floor
- Straight arms and legs. Feel stretch behind knees, calves, upper
- Widen or narrow distance between arms and legs for comfort
- Fingers spread wide
- Continue actively lifting buttocks
- Draw belly toward spine
- Breathe long, even deep breaths

Upward Dog (Urdhva Mukha Shvanasana)

Benefits: Strengthen back, upper body, abdominals
- From Downward Dog very slowly let belly sink toward floor
- Lift head and shoulders toward ceiling
- Straighten arms
- Support body with toes and hands
- Press hands firmly into floor, elongate neck, gaze at ceiling
- Relax shoulders
- OK to lower knees to ground-Modified Cobra
- Breathe long, even deep breaths
- Return to Downward Dog
- Child (release knees to floor, place abdomen on thighs, forehead on floor, arms at your side)

Benefits: Stimulates digestion, abdominal organs
- Lie on your back, legs straight, feet together
- Exhale, draw right knee toward chest (grasp kneecap or back of thigh)
- Flex toes of extended leg toward chest
- Breathe long, even deep breaths
- Repeat drawing left knee to chest
- Draw both knees to the chest
- Release legs to the floor

Benefits: Elongates spine, increases oxygen, blood flow
- Lie on your back, legs straight, arms in "T" position
- Place right foot on left knee
- Press right knee toward left
- Assist with left hand on right knee
- Look toward right fingertips
- Keep shoulders on floor
- Breathe long, even deep breaths
- Release hand and knee, straighten legs
- Repeat on opposite side

- Dog and Cat: forward, backward
- Thread the Needle: twist right and left

Benefits: Warms up spine through full range of motion
- Tabletop position (hands under shoulders, knees under hips)
- Lift tailbone, lift head, allow belly to sink toward floor
- Tuck tailbone under, bring head toward chest
- Press firmly into hands and knees arching back
- Return to Tabletop
- Press right ear toward right shoulder
- Press right hip toward right shoulder
- Repeat on left side
- Return to Tabletop
Thread the Needle:
- Slide right hand through the space between left shoulder
- and knee creating gentle twist
- Balance on right shoulder and back of head
- Raise left arm to ceiling
- Rotate arm three or more times in each direction
- Return to Tabletop
- Repeat threading the needle on left side
- Take at least three deep breaths during each segment
- Return to Tabletop or Child

Half Moon (Ardha Chandrasana)

Benefits: Elongates spine, stretches, tones entire torso
- Stand in Mountain
- Inhale arms sideways overhead
- Hands in temple position
Right Side:
- Lift, elongate and arch torso to the right
- Press feet firmly to floor
- Press left shoulder back, keep chest lifted
- Inhale to center
Left Side:
- Lift, elongate and arch torso to left
- Press feet firmly to floor
- Press right shoulder back, keep chest lifted
- Inhale to center
- Breathe at least three breaths on each side
- Keep arms straight, chin lifted

Benefits: Stretches inner thighs, helps relieve sciatica
- Stand in Mountain
- Inhale arms to the side and overhead
- Exhale, step wide to right, arms in "T"
- Widen stance as far as comfortable
- Angle feet inward about 10-20 degrees
- Bend forward at hips, back straight
- Let gravity bring head towards floor
- Grasp calves, ankles or sides of feet
- Legs straight
- Breathe long, even deep breaths
- Release hands to thighs
- Raise torso parallel to floor
- Lower tailbone
- Press into feet, bring torso to standing
- Inhale hands and feet together
- Exhale hands to your side

Benefits: Standing alignment
- Stand with feet parallel (imagine your feet create a rectangle)
- Rock back and forth to balance weight on the arches
- Press firmly into feet
- Tighten quadriceps
- Press tailbone slightly down and forward
- Lift out of the waist
- Press shoulders up, back then down and relax
- Hands at your sides, fingers together pointing down
- Lift out of the neck
- Chin parallel to floor
- Press head toward ceiling

Palm Trees (Pranayama Exercise)
Benefits: Induces active deep breathing
- Stand in Mountain
- Inhale straight arms out to the side and overhead to the count of six
- Exhale arms to your side to the count of six
- Continue at least six times
- Deepen breathing by slowing arm movement
- Press firmly into the feet
- Press out through the fingertips, keeping arms straight
- Return to Mountain
- Release and relax

Benefits: Open hips, strengthen lower body
- Stand in Mountain
- Inhale arms overhead, exhale and step wide about three or four feet
- Arms to "T"
- Turn right foot forward to the right
- Turn left foot inward about 45 degrees (align the heel of the forward foot
with the instep of the rear foot)
- Turn head forward
- Hinge forward at waist, pressing out through right hand
- Press left hip (rear hip) back
- Feel right upper thigh engage
- Windmill back of (forward) right hand to the calf or ankle, lift (rear) left hand
toward ceiling, lift chest
- Gaze toward upward hand
- Breathe fully and deeply
- Press inner thighs towards each other for stability
- Keep pressing rear hip back
- OK to bend knees slightly
- Return torso erect, arms to "T"
- Return feet to forward
- Repeat on other side
- Inhale arms and feet together
- Exhale arms down into Mountain

Eagle (Garudasana)

Benefits: Balance, coordination, shoulder flexibility
- Stand in Mountain
- Focus eyes on point about three feet ahead
- Inhale arms overhead
Right side:
- Exhale left hand under right bringing palms together, interlacing
- Rotate arms to left and right to warm up shoulders
- Balance on right foot
- Bend right knee and cross left knee over right
- Tuck left toes behind right calf
- Straighten legs, stand
Left side:
- Inhale arms over head
- Exhale right hand under left
- Rotate arms to left and right to warm up shoulders
- Balance on left foot
- Bend left knee and cross right knee over left
- Tuck right toes behind left calf
- Bend balancing knee deeper
- Straighten back
- Draw arms toward waist
- Inhale arms overhead, stand
- Exhale arms down

Benefits: Strengthen lower back
- Lie on belly, chin on floor
- Feet together, legs extended
- Place arms under the torso, palms down, hips resting on forearms
- Right side: exhale, raise right leg
- Lower right leg
- Left side: exhale, raise left leg
- Keep both hipbones in contact with forearms
- Point toe
- Breathe long, full deep breaths
- Release leg and arms
- Place cheek on floor and relax

Symbol of Yoga (Yoga Mudra)

- Sit on heels, knees together, hands on thighs
- Elongate spine
- Inhale straight arms forward to shoulder height
- Exhale arms around behind you
- Clasp hands firmly
- Straighten arms, press hands away from buttocks
- Hinge forward at hips, straight back, bringing forehead to floor
- Pause
- Come up onto knees and crown of the head
- Keep arms straight
- Breathe long full deep breaths
- Return hips towards heels and forehead to the floor
- Maintain straight arms
- Return straight back to seated
- Release arms, let them float back to the thighs

Boat (Navasana)

- Lie on your belly, chin on floor, feet together
- Extend arms forward, shoulder-width apart
- Place sides of hands (little fingers) on the floor
First Lift:
- Exhale, lift arms, head and shoulders
- Elongate spine, press out through hands
- Release to floor
Second Lift:
- Exhale, lift arms, head, shoulders and legs
- Point toes, press out through hands
- Release to floor
- Third Lift:
- Place hands, palms down, at 45 degree angle from sides
- Exhale, lift arms, head, shoulders, legs
- Allow pelvis to press firmly into floor
- Engage the muscles in the pelvic floor as you lift
- Breathe
- Release body to floor
- Rest cheek on floor and relax

- Lie on your back, knees bent
- Arms at your sides, palms down
- Press firmly into palms, swing legs toward forehead
- Support hips with the hands
- Rock hips forward and backward using the momentum to lift hips
- Support hips with the hands
- Return hips to floor, arms to sides
- Extend legs and relax

- Stand in Mountain
- Bend forward, bending knees as needed
- Place hands on floor next to feet
Right side:
- Exhale, extend right leg behind, balancing on toe, or foot
- Return right leg between hands
Left side:
- Exhale, extend left leg behind
- Return left leg between hands
- Adjust stance so that the forward knee is directly over the ankle
- Allow groin to drop toward floor
- Eyes gaze upward
- Slowly return to standing
- Stand in Mountain

Bridge (Setu Bandhasana)

Benefits: Tones shoulders, abdominals, thighs
- Lie on your back, knees bent, hip width apart
- Palms down at your sides
First Lift:
- Exhale, lift hips a few inches off the floor, pressing into feet
- hands, shoulders
- Release hips to floor slowly
Second lift:
- Exhale, lift hips, press belly toward the ceiling
- Walk shoulder blades together, interlace hands into fists
- Press firmly into feet, fists and shoulders
- Maintain knees hip width apart
- Open chest by pressing belly and chest toward ceiling
- Breathe long, full deep breaths
- Very slowly, release hands, lower hips to floor
- Lie on your back, relax

Benefits: Balance, groundedness
- Stand in Mountain
- Focus eyes on a point about three feet ahead
- Balance on left foot
- Draw right knee up toward chest
- Grasp kneecap
- Pull knee toward chest
- Elongate spine, press into balancing foot
- Release knee
- Return to Mountain
- Repeat balancing on right foot

Benefits: Relaxes lower back
- Stand with feet parallel about two feet apart
- Exhale, bend knees, fold forward at hips
- Let gravity draw torso toward the floor
- Totally relax
- Bent or straight knees
- Let torso and arms dangle, or grasp elbows
- Keep knees bent, very slowly bring torso to standing

Benefits: Whole body warm up stretch
- Stand in Mountain
- Inhale straight arms overhead, exhale and step wide about three feet
- Extend arms up and out to the side
- Extend out through fingertips
- Press firmly into feet
- Bend backwards slightly
- Inhale arms overhead, step feet together
- Exhale arms to your sides
- Stand in Mountain